Administration Structure
Rector, TEI of Athens - Maria Venetikou
Vice Rector - Panagiotis E. Kaldis
Vice Rector - Katerina Lykeridou
Vice Rector - Pericles Lytras
The TEI of Athens is administered by:

-the TEI Assembly, which is the supreme administrative body of the institution and is responsible for making all the decisions concerning its educational status, goals, finance and general policy. The President, the two Vice-Presidents, the Secretary General, all the Deans of Faculties, all the Heads of Departments, administrative staff representatives and student representatives are entitled to attend its sessions.

-the TEI Council. The President, the two Vice-Presidents, the Secretary General, all the Deans of Faculties, administrative staff representatives and student representatives are entitled to attend its sessions.

-the President, who is responsible for the execution of the decisions made by the Council and is assisted by the two Vice-Presidents who mostly deal with educational issues. All three are elected for a three-year tenure of office.

-the Secretary-General who supervises all the administrative services of the Institution

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