 Department of Energy Technology Engineering 
Electrical Networks Analysis
Course Code: 2203A
Course Type: Theory & Laboratory
Course Category: Core Module
Hours per Week:  7 (Theory 4, Lab 3)
Credit Units:  7
Semester:  B

Aims and Scope

The course aims to introduce the students in electrical DC and AC networks and circuits. The students become familiar with the theory and techniques of DC or AC network analysis, both in steady state and transients. The students will get the necessary theoretical background for other electrical energy engineering courses of the undergraduate program.

Course Description 

Theoretical course

Electrical network analysis (ac and dc). Passive, bidirectional and linear network elements. Transient effects and analysis. Creation of differential equations and initial conditions. AC network analysis in steady state  implementing phasors and vectors. Application of complex numbers. Network theorems. Power, power factor, power factor correction. Three phase networks, symmetric and asymmetric load analysis. Laplace transform application in network analysis. Resonant circuits.

Laboratory course

The laboratory course comprises exercises  in simple networks where fundamental parameters are examined such as the electric current and voltage, electrical resistance and impedance, power (active, reactive, apparent). Emphasis is given in the connection between theory and practice. The students apply  the required measuring techniques in order to get accurate results, which are compared to the theoretical expectations.

Expected Course Outcome

At the end of the course the students will:

·         Become aware of the different methods for the analysis of AC and DC networks and circuits, both in steady state and transients.

·         Be able to apply this knowledge for the design and operation of electrical networks and circuits in practice.



1.    Ν. Κολλιόπουλος, Η. Λόης, «Ηλεκτροτεχνία Ι», Εκδόσεις Ίων, 2009.

2.    Ν. Κολλιόπουλος, Η. Λόης, «Ηλεκτροτεχνία ΙΙ», Εκδόσεις Ίων, 2003

3.    Ν. Μάργαρης, «Ανάλυση Ηλεκτρικών Κυκλωμάτων – Τόμος Α», Εκδ. Τζιόλα, 2000.

4.    Ν. Μάργαρης, «Ανάλυση Ηλεκτρικών Κυκλωμάτων – Τόμος Β», Εκδ. Τζιόλα, 2000.

5.    Joseρh Α. Εdminister, «Ηλεκτρικά Κυκλώματα», Εκδ. ΕΣΠΙ.


1.    R.C. Dorf, J.A. Svoboda, “Introduction to Electric Circuits”, Wiley, 2006.

2.    C. Alexander, M. Sadiku “Fundamentals of Electric Circuits”, McGraw-Hill, 2004.

3.    M. Nahvi, J.A. Edminister,” Electric Circuits”, Schaum’s Outline Series, McGraw-Hill, 2002.

4.    K.C.A. Smith, R.E. Alley, “Electrical Circuits: An Introduction”, Cambridge University Press ,1992.

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