CE240. Engineering Geology (ects: 6) THEORY Introduction to Geology. Composition of the Earth's layers. Density of Earth's rocks. Pressure and temperature of the Eath’s internal layers. Earth's magnetic field. Gravimetry. Principles of isostasy. The Earth in time, measurement of geologic time. Minerals and Petrology. Principal metamorphic rocks. Principal sedimentary rocks. Magmatism and magmatic rocks. Internal Geological Processes. Tectonics: folding, thrusting, faults, joints and the relevant structures. Plate tectonics theory. Geotectonic regime of Greece. Earthquake: seismic waves, earthquake types, seismograph and accelerograph measurements, earthquake size and intensity. External Geological Processes. Weathering processes. The water cycle. Water reserves and their exchanges. The atmosphere. Surface water. Permeability. Ground water and civil engineering projects. The continental sedimentary environment. Soil - rockmass - rock. The influence of the geological processes on their engineering response for civil works: settlements, foundations, slope stability, subsurface water regime etc. Geomorphological characteristics: identification from maps and in situ investigation, correlation to geological processes, importance on civil works design. LABORATORY Identification of the most important rocks minerals. Topographic profile. Elements of cartography. Geological cross section: horizontal and inclined layers. Geological cross section with faults. Stereographic projection, (planes projection). Stereographic projection and rock slope stability. Selection construction with respect to the geological data. Geomorphological characteristic of landslides. Earthquakes epicenter and magnitude.