CE632. Mass Transit Infrastructures (ects: 5) The course has theoretical part only and offers a combination of three major transit systems: Railways, Airports and Urban Transit. In this respect, the course provides first an introduction to mass transit systems and their main characteristics (categories, operation, attributes), and then contains the following topics per transit system: Railways: Railway stations; Train wagons and high-speed trains; Railway tracks; Permanent way, track materials, rails, ballast; Static and dynamic calculations of the permanent way; Train formation. Airports: Basic components of the airway system; Classification, organization and operation of airports; Multi-airport systems; The system runways-taxiways-aprons; Air traffic control; Configuration of passenger buildings; Cargo terminals and other airport buildings. Urban Transit: Role and characteristics of urban transport systems; Bus transport and networks; Bus line capacity; Scheduling; Infrastructures of surface transportation systems; Quality control; Transportation studies and surveys (data collection methods and techniques, sampling considerations, data analysis etc.).