CE720. Port Works (ects: 5) Marine Hydraulics and wave theory Theory of small amplitude waves (Airy, 1845). Basic principles and assumptions. Water surface displacement, water particle velocities and displacements and pressure fields. Wave celerity, wave kinetic and potential energy. Derivation and use of dispersion equation. Study of wave transformations (wave shoaling, refraction, diffraction, breaking and reflection) due to wave traveling into areas of shallower water and wave interaction with harbour and other coastal engineering works. Study and design of main harbour works Issues and requirements for harbour studies: Technical and economic feasibility of harbours. Port site selection. Legal and institutional framework. Environmental effects. Engineer's line of thought in harbour design. Inner harbour works, e.g. quay walls, with emphasis on gravity structures. Loads acting on quay walls, stability check under three different loading conditions(normal operating conditions, load combinations which include random and short -term loads, under seismic loading) against sliding, overturning, and excessive foundation pressure, based on geotechnical data. Outer harbor works, e.g. breakwaters. Vertical-wall and rubble-mound breakwaters: comparison, advantages and disadvantages. Breakwater design, wave loads and stability analysis. Vertical wall breakwaters: stability check against sliding, overturning and foundation failure, foot protection. Rubble-mound breakwaters: stability check against armor stone movement and soil failure. Composite breakwaters.