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Call for Proposals: EASI - Fast track integration into the labour market for third country nationals targeting exclusively asylum seekers, refugees and their family member - VP/2016/15

Call for proposals

European Programme for Employment and Social Innovation "EaSI"

Fast track integration into the labour market for third country nationals targeting exclusively asylum seekers, refugees and their family member - VP/2016/15


Objectives and description

The present call for proposals aims at funding innovative transnational projects to test and implement innovative policy schemes and delivery mechanisms that will ensure and facilitate a swift labour market integration of the specific target groups of third country nationals listed below.


Proposals could also include the replication of successful innovative initiatives already implemented in other(s) country(ies). Only applications targeting specifically the support to the following groups of third country nationals will be considered eligible for further evaluation:

·         asylum seekers,

·         refugees and their family members.


Specific measures targeting the labour market integration of migrant women will be considered favourably.


The objectives of this Call are:

·         to promote the development and testing of innovative and effective mechanisms to ensure fast-track integration into the labour market;

·         to develop sustainable multi-level partnerships models conducive towards the integration of the targeted groups into the labour market;

·         to foster knowledge- and experience-sharing between different Member States of already functioning swift and successful insertion mechanisms into the labour market of the targeted groups, with a strong emphasis on the challenges faced by women.


Eligible activities

The examples below are a non-exhaustive list of activities that could be foreseen:

·         design and implementation of comprehensive integration mechanisms ensuring the fast-track integration into the labour market, including: ƒ

-       civic courses, intercultural skills; ƒ

-       information on labour market rules, existing social benefits, etc.; ƒ

-       specific training for teachers and for other bodies involved in the project to ensure a focused support to the target groups; ƒ

-       language courses, including evening classes; ƒ

-       integrated courses combining languages and professionals skills; ƒ

-       specialised/individualised support by trained professionals; ƒ

-       mentoring programmes, including mentoring at workplaces; ƒ

-       procedures for mapping the educational background and previous work experiences as well as skills profiling including the use of the Skills Profile Tool for Third Country Nationals; ƒ

-       efficient and transparent procedures for the recognition and validation of competences acquired abroad; ƒ

-       monitoring the extent of discriminatory practices and raising awareness of the issue; ƒ

-       access to services such as childcare and other care facilities to ensure participation to introduction/training programmes, including flexible hours and other arrangement; ƒ

-       digital applications, IT tools; ƒ

-       access to support in case of discrimination and violence, in particular against women.

·         development of sustainable multi-level partnerships models encompassing: ƒ

-       coordination mechanisms between the various actors; ƒ

-       development of integration strategy across actions; ƒ

-       exchange of information.

·         fostering of knowledge- and experience- sharing between different Member States including: ƒ

-       surveys; ƒ

-       data collection; ƒ

-       development of guidelines and practical tools.


Eligible participants - Minimum conditions

a) Place of establishment

Legal entities properly established and registered in the following countries are eligible as lead applicant and co-applicants:

-       EU Member States;

-       Iceland and Norway in accordance with the EEA Agreement;

-       Albania, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia and Turkey.


b) Type of entities

-       Lead applicant must be a public body (such as national, regional and local authorities or public employment services);

-       Co-applicant organisations must be public bodies, for-profit or non-profit-making private entities, or international organisations.


To be eligible, proposals must involve an international consortium made of at least 4 organisations (1 lead applicant + 3 co-applicants) with at least one established in an EU Member States and in principle at least one of the organisations in one of the candidate countries.


Funding conditions and duration

The total budget earmarked for the EU co-financing of projects under this call is estimated at EUR 14.200.000. The Commission expects to fund approximately 5 to 7 proposals.


The EU grant is limited to a maximum co-funding rate of 80% of eligible costs.


Indicative duration of the entire project should be between 24 and 36 months.


Deadline of proposals' submission

The deadline for the submission of proposals is on 30 March 2017.


Once the application form is filled in, applicants must submit it both electronically and in one hard copy (put in a two-hole A4 folder), before the set deadline.


Further information

Please find attached the call documentation.


All enquiries must be made by e-mail only to: empl-vp-2016-015@ec.europa.eu


More information: http://ec.europa.eu/social/main.jsp?catId=629&langId=en&callId=502&furtherCalls=yes



Kind regards,



Head of Brussels Office
European Office of Cyprus
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B-1000 Brussels
Tel./Fax: +32 (0) 2 280 22 85






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