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Call for Proposals: “Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) Trans-European Telecommunications Networks” - CEF-TC-2017-2

Call for proposals

“Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) Trans-European Telecommunications Networks” - CEF-TC-2017-2


Objectives and description 

The European Commission, Directorate-General for Energy, is launching a call for proposals in order to award grants in accordance with the priorities and objectives defined in the multiannual work programme in the field of common interest under the “Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) Trans-European Telecommunications Networks” - CEF-TC-2017-2.

CEF supports trans-European networks and infrastructures which fill the missing links in Europe’s energy, transport and telecommunications sectors. It is a key EU instrument to promote growth, jobs and competitiveness through targeted investment at European level.


Projects in the field of telecommunications aim at facilitating cross-border interaction between public administrations, businesses and citizens, by deploying Digital Service Infrastructures (DSIs) and broadband networks. Supported projects will contribute to the creation of a European ecosystem of interoperable and interconnected digital services that sustain the Digital Single Market.


CEF Telecom is designed to deploy DSIs across the EU based on mature technical and organisational solutions. It focuses on providing functional services which are ready for deployment and which will be maintained over time - instead of developing pilots or new technologies. CEF Telecom projects of common interest aim to be mutually reinforcing and complementary. There are many potential linkages between the DSIs, in particular the building block DSIs which enable the proper functioning of the other sector-specific DSIs.


The 2017-2 call sets aside funding for four well-established DSIs:

·         Cyber Security
Funding will support the national/governmental Computer Emergency Report Teams / Cyber Security Incident Response Teams to create, maintain or expand national capacities to run a range of cyber security services, in order to reach a state of preparedness that will allow them to participate on an equal footing in the Cyber Security Core Service Platform – cooperation mechanisms established through the 2015 Work Programme.

·         eDelivery
This topic will support the setting up of additional access points and service metadata publishers (SMP) throughout Europe that link to the EU Core Service Platform in order to support the cross-border exchange of electronic documents between both public and private sectors, as well as between such entities and citizens and businesses.

·         eHealth
In the part relevant to Generic Services for ePrescription and Patient Summary, the topic aims to build on the commitment by Member States to:

1.set up the eHealth National Contact Points (NCPeH)

2.broaden the deployment of ePrescription and Patient Summary services to all Member States

·         eProcurement
Under this topic the following three Generic Services will be supported:

·         1.Implementation of a "customised" European Single Procurement Document (ESPD) in existing eProcurement systems in the Member States.
2.Integration of e-Certis into existing software solutions of private companies and contracting authorities.
Implementation of the eTendering interface to support private companies and contracting authorities (especially central purchasing bodies) in making their eProcurement systems interoperable


Eligible participants

Only those proposals submitted by one of the following types of applicants are eligible:

Ø  One or more Member States;

Ø  With the agreement of the Member States concerned, international organisations, joint undertakings, or public or private undertakings or bodies established in Member States


Cyber Security

Proposals may be submitted by a single n/g CERT/CSIRT or by a consortium of several n/g CERTs/CSIRTs based in one or more Member States. Exceptionally, sectoral CERTs/CSIRTs may submit proposals or be part of consortia. Please note that proposals submitted by single/consortia of sectoral CERTs/CSIRTs will have lower priority than those submitted by n/g CERTs/CSIRTs. Each applicant must clearly explain in the proposal whether it has been designated as either n/g or sectoral CERT/CSIRT. Relevant supporting letters should be provided with the application if available.



Proposals must be submitted by consortia consisting of at least two public and/or private entities from one or more Member State(s).



ePrescription and Patient Summary:

Proposals must be submitted by a legal entity from a Member State or EEA country, supported by the national authority responsible for eHealth, participating in the CEF Telecom programme.

Priority will be given to new countries joining the exchange of ePrescription/eDispensation and Patient Summary.


European Reference Networks:

Only proposals submitted by the coordinator of one of the ERNs designated under Directive 2011/24/EU8 will be supported under this call. An ERN member may participate as a consortium member in any proposal submitted by its coordinator.


Only one proposal per ERN may be submitted.



Proposals must be submitted by consortia consisting of at least four public and/or private entities

from one or more Member State(s).

Funding conditions and duration

The total estimated funding for the twelve DSIs for 2017 amounts to about EUR 106 million including the 2.44% contribution from EFTA countries.



The indicative amount to be allocated on the basis of this call for proposals to projects of common interest in the field of trans-European telecommunications for the eDelivery generic services is ?0.5 million



The indicative amount to be allocated on the basis of this call for proposals to projects of common interest in the field of trans-European telecommunications for the eHealth generic services is ?9 million.

Of the available budget:

·         ePrescription & Patient Summary: an indicative ?6 million is expected to be allocated to proposals addressing activity 1 listed in section 3. Furthermore, a maximum ?1 million per Member State will be funded for both services combined, taking into account possible cumulative funding.

·         European Reference Networks: an indicative ?3 million is expected to be allocated to proposals addressing activity 2 listed in section 3. Proposals requesting a contribution of up to ?125,000 are expected.



The indicative amount to be allocated on the basis of this call for proposals to projects of common interest in the field of trans-European telecommunications for the eProcurement generic services is ?4 million.


Cyber Security

The indicative amount to be allocated on the basis of this call for proposals to projects of common interest in the field of trans-European telecommunications for the Cyber Security generic services is ?12 million. Funding will be limited to a maximum of ?1,000,000 per action.


Please note that a maximum of one proposal per Member State will be funded, unless there is additional budget available.


Where possible, applicants are strongly encouraged to submit joint applications for actions relating to the same project of common interest.


Deadline of proposals' submission

The deadline for submission of applications is 21 September 2017.


Proposals must be submitted electronically using the TENtec eSubmission module.


Further information

Please, find attached the documents of the call.


Any additional specific questions related to this call may be addressed to the helpdesk email: INEA-CEF-Energy-calls-@ec.europa.eu


More information: https://ec.europa.eu/inea/en/connecting-europe-facility/cef-telecom/apply-funding/2017-cef-telecom-calls-proposals


The 2017-2 CEF Telecom call virtual Info Day will take place on Tuesday 16 May 2017 and will cover four priorities of the 2017 CEF Telecom Calls. Participants can register here.



Kind Regards,



Flora Stavropoulou

European Office of Cyprus

Rue du Luxembourg 3, 2nd floor

B-1000, Brussels

Tel/Fax: +32 (0) 2 280 22 85

E-mail: eoc.brussels2@ucy.ac.cy


PLEASE NOTE THAT THE GREEK TRANSLATION IS PROVIDED AT REQUEST OF ANY INTERESTED MEMBER (based on the decision of 22.12.2016 of the EOC Administrative Council).

^ Αρχή Σελίδας