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Εβδομαδιαία Επισκόπηση  
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Εβδομαδιαία Επισκόπηση Τεύχος 527 06-10.11.2017 (13/11/2017)
 Ενημέρωση Χρηματοδοτούμενων Ευρωπαϊκών Προγραμμάτων 
Προκηρύξεις Προγραμμάτων - Calls for Proposals
Προκηρύξεις Συμβάσεων - Calls for Tenders
Προτάσεις Συνεργασίας - Partner Search
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Πρόσκληση Εκδήλωσης Ενδιαφέροντος - Call for Expression of Interest
Πρόσκληση Υποψηφίων - Call for Applicants
Call for Tenders: "Study on methods and considerations for the determination of greenhouse gas emissions reduction objectives for international shipping" - CLIMA.B.3/ETU/2017/0012

Call for tenders
“Study on methods and considerations for the determination of greenhouse gas emissions reduction objectives for international shipping” - CLIMA.B.3/ETU/2017/0012


(2017/S 126-255709)


Objectives and description

The Directorate General for Environment and Climate of the European Commission has published a call for tenders for a “Study on methods and considerations for the determination of greenhouse gas emissions reduction objectives for international shipping” - CLIMA.B.3/ETU/2017/0012.


The aim is to contribute to the IMO discussions on target setting as part of an IMO GHG reduction strategy for ships to be initially agreed in spring 2018 and amended by 2023. For a reduction target in line with the goals of the Paris Agreement a sound methodology is required taking into account issues like the reduction potential, possible cost implications, projections of global trade growth and demand for shipping.


After analysing relevant existing studies and policies on reduction targets the study should describe and classify reduction options for shipping and how these fit in with the goals from the Paris Agreement.


The study should produce:

·         recommendations on targets for international shipping;

·         produce a roadmap for technological developments needed to decarbonise shipping;

·         provide a list and recommendations of possible policy measures to implement the objective.


It should also help involve stakeholders in the debate and help disseminate the results among stakeholders.


Eligible participants - Minimum conditions

Natural and legal persons from one of the EU Member States and all natural and legal persons in a third country which has a special agreement with the European Union in the field of public procurement on the conditions laid down in that agreement.


Funding conditions and duration

The estimated value is 300 000.00 EUR excluding VAT and is not subject to renewal.


The total duration of the tasks is 12 months.


Deadline of proposals' submission

The deadline for submission of tenders is 28 August 2017.


Tenders must be submitted:

  • Either by post. In this case the postmark will be proof of compliance with the deadline.
  • Or by Courier. In this case the deposit slip of the courier office will constitute proof of compliance with the deadline.
  • Or by Hand Delivery. In this case Proof of receipt, signed and dated by the official in the central mail department who takes delivery will constitute proof of compliance with the deadline.







European Commission



Markets Team (BU 9, 01/005)

B-1049 Brussels


Courier services or Hand delivery:




European Commission


Markets Team (BU 9, 01/005)


Avenue du Bourget 1

B-1140 Brussels

(Evere) Belgium


Further information

Please find attached the documentation of the call for tenders.

You can send questions regarding this tender here: CLIMA-DATA-PROTECTION-COORDINATOR@ec.europa.eu

More information is available at the following link: https://etendering.ted.europa.eu/cft/cft-display.html?cftId=2655


Kind regards,



Flora Stavropoulou

European Office of Cyprus

Rue du Luxembourg 3, 2nd floor

B-1000, Brussels

Tel/Fax: +32 (0) 2 280 22 85

E-mail: eoc.brussels2@ucy.ac.cy


THE GREEK TRANSLATION IS AVAILABLE AT THE FOLLOWING LINK: https://etendering.ted.europa.eu/cft/cft-display.html?cftId=2655&locale=el

^ Αρχή Σελίδας