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Call for Proposals: "Supporting Initiatives in the field of Drugs Policy" - JUST-2017-AG-DRUG

Call for proposals

Justice Programme - “Supporting Initiatives in the field of Drugs Policy” – JUST-2017-AG-DRUG

Objectives and description

The Directorate General for Justice of the European Commission has published a  call for proposals under the Justice Programme, with the specific topic: “Supporting Initiatives in the field of Drugs Policy” – JUST-2017-AG-DRUG.


The specific objective of this Call for proposals is to support projects in the field of drugs policy as regards judicial cooperation and crime prevention aspects closely linked to the general objective of the Programme, in so far as they are not covered by the Instrument for financial support for police cooperation, preventing and combating crime, and crisis management, as part of the Internal Security Fund, or by the third Programme for the Union's action in the field of health (2014-2020).


This call will focus on the following priorities:

1.     To support activities in the area of identification and epidemiology of use of new psychoactive substances;

2.     To support activities aimed at the effective response to the challenges posed by the online trade of drugs;

3.     To support the civil society organisations by reinforcing their (i) advocacy function, (ii) capacity to make a difference at the local level, (iii) best practice sharing methods and (iv) knowledge and skills on evidence-based interventions and minimum quality standards in the field of drug demand reduction;

4.     To support key stakeholders in the field of prevention by expanding their knowledge and skills, in particular in the context of minimum quality standards.

The applicants shall demonstrate in their proposals a sound knowledge of EU actions and policies. Complementarity with activities undertaken by the EU and the individual Member States in the area of Drug Policy, in particular those relevant to chapters II and VI of the EU Drugs Strategy 2013-2020, shall be ensured.

Eligible activities

This call will fund activities on:

·         data collection, surveys and research activities;

·         training activities;

·         mutual learning, network development, identification and exchange of good practices, cooperation;

·         events, conferences, expert meetings;

·         dissemination and awareness-raising activities.


Eligible participants - Minimum conditions

In order to be eligible for a grant the applicant and co-applicants must:

·         be legal persons.

·         be established in the Member States of the European Union, including their Overseas Countries and Territories, without UK and Denmark.

·         be a public body or a non-profit-making private entity or an international organisation. For-profit entities can only participate as co-applicants.


Applications must be transnational involving at least 2 entities established in two different EU Member States participating in the Justice Programme.


Funding conditions and duration

The overall budget for this topic amounts to EUR 2,632,000.


Proposals seeking EU co-funding of less than EUR 250 000 will be rejected.


The maximum possible rate of co-financing of the eligible costs is 80%.


The duration of the projects should not exceed 36 months.

Deadline of proposals' submission

The deadline for the submission of application is 25 October 2017 at 17:00 (Brussels time).


The application has to be submitted by making use of the Participant Portal.


Further information

For further assistance related to the call, topics and the content of proposals, please contact: HOMEDRUGS@ec.europa.eu.


Please find attached the documents of the call.


More information: http://ec.europa.eu/research/participants/portal/desktop/en/opportunities/just/topics/just-2017-ag-drug.html



Kind regards,



Flora Stavropoulou

European Office of Cyprus

Rue du Luxembourg 3, 2nd floor

B-1000, Brussels

Tel/Fax: +32 (0) 2 280 22 85

E-mail: eoc.brussels2@ucy.ac.cy


PLEASE NOTE THAT THE GREEK TRANSLATION IS PROVIDED AT REQUEST OF ANY INTERESTED MEMBER (based on the decision of 22.12.2016 of the EOC Administrative Council).

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