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 Ενημέρωση Χρηματοδοτούμενων Ευρωπαϊκών Προγραμμάτων 
Προκηρύξεις Προγραμμάτων - Calls for Proposals
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Call for Tenders: “Pilot project — Sustainable shared mobility interconnected with public transport in European rural areas (developing the concept of ‘smart rural transport areas’ (SMARTAs))” - MOVE/B4/2017/473

Call for tenders
“Pilot project — Sustainable shared mobility interconnected with public transport in European rural areas (developing the concept of ‘smart rural transport areas’ (SMARTAs))”

- MOVE/B4/2017/473


(2017/S 143-293576)


Objectives and description

The Directorate General for Mobility and Transport of the European Commission has published a call for tenders for a “Pilot project — Sustainable shared mobility interconnected with public transport in European rural areas (developing the concept of ‘smart rural transport areas’ (SMARTAs))” - MOVE/B4/2017/473.


The purpose of this call for tenders is to invite a consortium to carry out a pilot project on how to adapt mobility and explore ways to support sustainable shared mobility interconnected with public transport in European rural areas.


Throughout goals of this pilot project are:

·         Provide an open, connected, multimodal and rural environment where ‘smart rural transport areas’ solutions can be tested with target user groups.

·         Involve partners at all traffic management levels of different operators (e.g. road, public transport) and authorities (e.g. planning, managing, police, etc.) to work together with industry and public and private service providers aiming at getting a better understanding of the opportunities offered by on-demand services thereby complementing public transport services as well as demonstrate the matureness of digital solutions.

·         Getting a better understanding of the evolution of mobility needs in rural areas and how shared use mobility6 schemes are contributing to addressing those needs.

·         Getting a better understanding of what, if any, the relevance and added value is of on-demand services to improve sustainable shared mobility interconnected with public transport in European rural areas and whether mature digital solutions contribute to increasing their share in the overall mobility demand.

·         Exploring what could be the impact of vehicle automatisation in shared mobility solutions in addressing mobility needs in rural areas.

·         Identify where relevant the need for enhanced support, including at European level to ‘smart rural transport areas’ such as exchanges of best practice examples, possible interoperable solutions, sustainable regional development, cohesion, research and development and innovation.


Eligible activities

As described above the focus of this project shall clearly lie in the rural environment. The work has been divided into three separate tasks:

1.     Drafting of the scoping report which constitutes the research part where the data collection will be made.

2.     Real world demonstration phase (pilot) at geographical locations following the conclusions in the scoping report.

3.     Awareness raising about sustainable shared mobility interconnected with public transport in European rural areas.


Eligible participants - Minimum conditions

Natural and legal persons from one of the EU Member States and all natural and legal persons in a third country which has a special agreement with the European Union in the field of public procurement on the conditions laid down in that agreement.


Funding conditions and duration

The estimated value is 600 000.00 EUR excluding VAT and is not subject to renewal.


The maximum duration of the tasks is 24 months.


Deadline of proposals' submission

The deadline for submission of tenders is 1 October 2017.


You must submit your tender exclusively on paper, in one original and three copies, in one of the official languages of the European Union. A copy of the offer on a USB stick has also to be submitted.


Tenders must be submitted:

  • Either by post. In this case the postmark will be proof of compliance with the deadline.
  • Or by Courier. In this case the deposit slip of the courier office will constitute proof of compliance with the deadline.
  • Or by Hand Delivery. In this case Proof of receipt, signed and dated by the official in the central mail department who takes delivery will constitute proof of compliance with the deadline.





Pilot project – Sustainable shared mobility interconnected with public transport in European rural areas (developing the concept of 'smart rural transport areas' (SMARTAs))



European Commission

Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport,

Unit B, DM 7/005


For the attention of Ms Claire Deprè

B – 1049 Brussels


Courier services or Hand delivery:



Pilot project – Sustainable shared mobility interconnected with public transport in European rural areas (developing the concept of 'smart rural transport areas' (SMARTAs))



European Commission

Directorate-General MOVE, Unit B4, DM28 07/026


For the attention of Mr Måns LINDBERG

Avenue du Bourget 1

B-1140 Brussels (Evere)



Further information

Please find attached the documentation of the call for tenders.

More information is available at the following link: https://etendering.ted.europa.eu/cft/cft-display.html?cftId=2734


Kind regards,



Flora Stavropoulou

European Office of Cyprus

Rue du Luxembourg 3, 2nd floor

B-1000, Brussels

Tel/Fax: +32 (0) 2 280 22 85

E-mail: eoc.brussels2@ucy.ac.cy


THE GREEK TRANSLATION IS AVAILABLE AT THE FOLLOWING LINK: https://etendering.ted.europa.eu/cft/cft-display.html?cftId=2734&locale=el

^ Αρχή Σελίδας