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Call for Tenders: "EU energy system: modelling, data collection and studies" - ENER/C2/2017-98 (41)

Call for tenders
“EU energy system: modelling, data collection and studies” - ENER/C2/2017-98 (41)


(2017/S 148-305774)


Objectives and description

The Directorate General for Energy of the European Commission has published a call for tenders for a study on the “EU energy system: modelling, data collection and studies” - ENER/C2/2017-98 (41).


In its 2020 energy and climate policy, the EU has set the ambitious objective of 20% of our gross final energy consumption produced from renewable sources by 2020. In 2014, this share had already reached 16% and we are therefore on track to reach the 2020 objective.  The 2030 Climate-energy package goes further with a target of at least 27% by 2030 . These trends will affect substantially the overall European energy system in particular the electricity grid. In this context, different key technologies have been already developed towards functional maturity, like wind, solar, bio-energy, heat pumps, etc. over the last years. Currently, the tasks for research and development lie mostly in further cost reduction and development of new approaches. However, maximum benefits of these technological developments as well as a cost efficient increase of the share of renewables can be achieved only if these are integrated in a coherent, reliable and stable energy system which can operate under complex technological, economic, environmental and social boundary conditions. To study these future trends, the Commission has been developing a new mathematical model, METIS , to perform analyses of the European energy system for electricity, gas and heat. It simulates the operation of energy systems and markets on an hourly basis over a year, while also factoring in uncertainties like weather variations. For example, it can analyse the hour-by-hour impact of using more renewable electricity than in a baseline context.


The general objective of this tender is to support the European Commission energy policy proposals with advanced EU28 modelling capacity that includes both transmission and distribution capacity that are able to produce quantitative data based on given scenarios (e.g. EU Reference Scenario 2016, EUCO scenarios , ENTSO-E scenarios) and studies. The main aspects to be investigated are the impact of the increasing share of variable renewable energy sources, the potential of increased interconnections between Member States and between energy networks and the potential of energy storage. The model should allow to assess effects at EU level but also at regional levels and have the capacity to simulate variations at the level of a day, and seasons.


More specifically, the EC would like:

·  to improve the quantity and quality of data available thanks to targeted data collection,

·  to enhance its modelling capacity by improving the technical capabilities of METIS in relation to its network modelling, both concerning transmission and distribution;

·  to develop a web-based version of METIS, for the visualization of modelling assumptions and results similar to the way it is currently performed in METIS,

·  to carry out a number of studies which will allow to test certain features of the proposed new market design, as well as the potential role and magnitude of flexibility measures mentioned in the previous section,

·  to disseminate the results of the work before the end of the contract


Eligible activities

The activities to be performed are listed hereunder:

  • Task 1: Data Collection;
  • Task 2: Software developments of METIS;
  • Task 3: Development of a web interface for METIS;
  • Task 4: Final dissemination event.


Eligible participants - Minimum conditions

Natural and legal persons from one of the EU Member States and all natural and legal persons in a third country which has a special agreement with the European Union in the field of public procurement on the conditions laid down in that agreement.


Funding conditions and duration

The estimated value is 2 000 000.00 EUR excluding VAT and is not subject to renewal.


The maximum duration of the tasks is 38 months.


Deadline of proposals' submission

The deadline for submission of tenders is 29 September 2017.


You must submit your tender on paper, in one original and four copies. A copy of the offer on a USB stick has also to be submitted.


Tenders must be submitted:

  • Either by post. In this case the postmark will be proof of compliance with the deadline.
  • Or by Courier. In this case the deposit slip of the courier office will constitute proof of compliance with the deadline.
  • Or by Hand Delivery. In this case Proof of receipt, signed and dated by the official in the central mail department who takes delivery will constitute proof of compliance with the deadline.





C2-2017-98 (41) EU Energy system: modelling, data collection and studies


European Commission

Directorate General ENER, C.2, 03/120


For the attention of Rémy Dénos

B – 1049 Brussels


Courier services or Hand delivery:



C2-2017-98 (41) EU Energy system: modelling, data collection and studies


European Commission

Directorate General ENER, Unit C.2, 03/120


For the attention of Rémy Dénos

Avenue du Bourget 1

B-1140 Brussels (Evere)




Further information

Please find attached the documentation of the call for tenders.

More information is available at the following link: https://etendering.ted.europa.eu/cft/cft-display.html?cftId=2737


Kind regards,




Flora Stavropoulou

European Office of Cyprus

Rue du Luxembourg 3, 2nd floor

B-1000, Brussels

Tel/Fax: +32 (0) 2 280 22 85

E-mail: eoc.brussels2@ucy.ac.cy


THE GREEK TRANSLATION IS AVAILABLE AT THE FOLLOWING LINK: https://etendering.ted.europa.eu/cft/cft-display.html?cftId=2737&locale=el

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