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 Ενημέρωση Χρηματοδοτούμενων Ευρωπαϊκών Προγραμμάτων 
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Call for Proposals: “Support for information measures relating to the EU Cohesion policy” - 2017CE16BAT063

Call for proposals

“Support for information measures relating to the EU Cohesion policy” - 2017CE16BAT063


Objective and description

With the current call for proposals, the European Commission seeks to select potential beneficiaries for the implementation of a number of information measures co-financed by the EU. The main aim is to provide support for the production and dissemination of information and content linked to EU Cohesion policy, while respecting complete editorial independence of the actors involved.


The specific objectives of this call for proposals are:

·         To promote and foster a better understanding of the role of Cohesion policy in supporting all EU's regions;

·         To increase awareness of projects funded by the EU - through Cohesion policy in particular - and of their impact on people's lives;

·         To disseminate information and encourage an open dialogue on Cohesion policy, its results, its role in delivering on the EU's political priorities and on its future;

·         To encourage civic participation in matters related to Cohesion policy and to foster citizens' participation to setting priorities for the future of this policy.


The proposals shall illustrate and assess the role of Cohesion policy in delivering the European Commission’s political priorities and in addressing current and future challenges for the EU, its Member States, its regions and the local level.


More specifically, they should relate to the contribution of Cohesion policy to:

·         boosting jobs, growth and investment at the regional and national level, and improving citizens’ quality of life;

·         helping deliver on the EU's and Member States' major priorities – which include, in addition to job and growth creation, addressing climate change, protecting environment, enhancing research and innovation, among others;

·         enhancing economic, social and territorial cohesion in the EU while reducing disparities between and within EU countries and regions;

·         helping regions harness globalisation by finding their niche in the world economy;

·         reinforcing the European project as Cohesion policy directly serves EU citizens.


Eligible activities

The eligible activities shall be those necessary to carry out the information measure and realise the intended outputs/results in accordance with the objectives, themes and target audience of the call for proposals.


A. The measures should be implemented: at local, regional, multiregional, national level, or at the EU level (with impact on several Member States).


B. The proposals should include one or several activities and tools having an innovative character with a view to attaining the objectives, cover the themes and reach the target audience.


C. The following activities are NOT eligible: - measures required by law or under the specific public service contracts (in the case of publicly owned entities).


Eligible applicants

Eligible applicants (lead and co-applicants as well as affiliated entities if any) must be legal entities established and registered in an EU Member State.


Examples of eligible applicants are:

o    media organisations/news agencies (television, radio, written press, online media, new media, combination of different media);

o    non-profit organizations;

o    universities and educational institutions;

o    research centres and think-tanks;

o    public authorities (national, regional and local), not qualified as managing authorities.


Natural persons, as well as entities established for the sole purpose of the implementation of the projects within this call for proposals are NOT eligible applicants.


The proposals can be submitted by a single applicant (if selected, a "mono-beneficiary agreement" will be signed) or by a group of several applicants (consortium) (if selected, a "multi-beneficiary agreement" will be signed).


Applicants (including single taxable entities) can submit only one application for this call for proposals.


Budget and duration

The total budget earmarked for the co-financing of information measures under this call is estimated at EUR 4 000 000.


The grant amount will be minimum EUR 70 000 and maximum EUR 500 000. The maximum amount of the grant cannot be exceeded.


The EU grant will take the form of reimbursement of up to 80% of the actual eligible costs of the action.


The indicative duration of the actions should be 12 months (1 February 2018 - 31 January 2019).


Deadline for proposals’ submission

The deadline of this call is 16 October 2017.


1)     Applications must be submitted by post (registered letter or equivalent and the postmark will serve as proof of the date of posting) or courier service (date of receipt by the courier service serving as proof of date of sending) or delivered by hand.


2)     Applications must be submitted in writing, using the application and budget forms available.


3)     Applications must be drafted in one of the EU official languages. If the application is not submitted in English, it is recommended to accompany it by a summary of the proposal in English.


The proposals shall be submitted on paper. Applications shall be submitted in the correct form, duly completed and dated. They must be submitted in 3 copies (one original clearly identified as such, and 2 copies) and signed by the person authorised to enter into legally binding commitments on behalf of the applicant organisation. Where applicable, all additional information considered necessary by the applicant can be included on separate sheets. Applications must be sent in a sealed envelope to the following address:




European Commission Directorate General for Regional and Urban Policy (DG REGIO) – Communication Unit A2


Call for proposals 2017/CE16BAT063

To the attention of the Head of Unit

Mrs Monfret Agnes

BU-1 00/14

B-1049 Brussels


Courier services or Hand delivery:


European Commission Directorate General for Regional and Urban Policy (DG REGIO) – Communication Unit A2


Call for proposals 2017/CE16BAT063

To the attention of the Head of Unit –

Mrs Monfret Agnes

Central Mail Service

Avenue du Bourget, no 1/Bourgetlaan 1

B-1140 Brussels



Further information

Please find attached the call documents.


More information: http://ec.europa.eu/regional_policy/en/newsroom/funding-opportunities/calls-for-proposal/


Kind regards,




Head of Brussels Office
European Office of Cyprus
Rue du Luxembourg 3, 2nd floor
B-1000 Brussels
Tel./Fax: +32 (0) 2 280 22 85
E-mail: strevinioti.rozamaria@ucy.ac.cy




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