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Call for Proposals: Civil Society Empowerment Programme "Alternative and Counter Narrative Campaigns Supporting the Prevention of Radicalisation Leading to Violent Extremism" - ISFP-2017-AG-CSEP

Call for proposals

Civil Society Empowerment Programme

“Alternative and Counter Narrative Campaigns Supporting the Prevention of Radicalisation Leading to Violent Extremism"



Objective and description

The Civil Society Empowerment Programme supports civil society, grass roots organisations and credible voices. Through the Civil Society Empowerment Programme, the EU is committed to capacity building, training, partnering civil society organisations with internet and social media companies, and supporting campaigns designed to reach vulnerable individuals and those at risk of radicalisation and recruitment by extremists.


The goal of this Call for Proposals is to support projects of Civil Society Organisations(CSOs) that pursue all of the objectives below:

·         address target audiences in the EU susceptible and vulnerable to radicalising and terrorist content online, those on the brink of radicalisation as well as those who have already been radicalised (target audiences' perceived or real grievances should be addressed);

·         provide the target audience with credible alternatives and positive narratives or expose and challenge terrorist and extremist online propaganda;

·         address push and pull factors of terrorist and extremist content online;

·         actively contribute to promoting tolerance and EU/democratic fundamental rights and values.


The projects, implementing effective alternative and counter-narrative campaigns online, should contribute to:

·         bringing about behaviour change dissuading target audience from promoting terrorism and violent extremism and/or using violence;

·         growing civic engagement and take active stance in democratic processes by target audiences;

·         halting radicalisation and recruitment processes;

·         enhancing (digital) resilience and critical thinking of the target audience against terrorist and extremist propaganda on-and offline.


Eligible activities

The following types of activities are eligible under this Call for Proposals:

·         development of the communication strategy for the alternative or counter narrative campaign, including:

o    research and analysis necessary for the development of a communication action

o    including target audience analysis (beyond demographic and statistical data, including motivations, triggers, believes and influencers), campaign objective and goal setting, key messages, etc.;

o    defining of an evaluation methodology and establishment of key performance indicators;

o    creation and production of the campaign with communications/creative/marketing specialists and agencies (incl. audiovisual elements of the campaigns like spots, videos, podcasts, video games, smartphone apps, images, etc);

o    dissemination of the campaign on line (e.g. media buying), including regular posting/supervision/moderation on social media and blogs).

·         "offline" activities- when these are used as catalysts for communication actions and helping to amplify the communication campaign messages and in the longer term helping measure the behavioural change the campaigns have brought about, such as:

o    organisation of supporting events, including the production of information and promotion materials (e.g. badges, posters, promotional items…);

o    participation in awareness raising events.

·         a qualitative and quantitative evaluation of the success of the communication campaign including at least the assessment of its reach and impact;

·         development of lessons learned and good practices of the communication campaign to be actively shard shared within the CSEP and RAN network;

·         training for staff managing the campaign to have the necessary skills and resilience to engage in controversial/hostile online environment;

·         capacity building to ensure sustainability of the campaign and online efforts to provide alternative narratives;

·         management of the project.


Eligible applicants

In order to be eligible for a grant, the Applicant and the Co-applicants must be:

·         legal persons; applications from natural persons are not eligible;

·         public bodies or private entities;

·         established in a Member State of the European Union participating in the ISF Police instrument. In duly justified cases where their participation is necessary to achieve the objectives of the programme, the Co-applicants may also be established in a third country. For this call, eligible third countries are those highlighted as priority countries in the European Agenda on Security: Turkey, Tunisia, Lebanon, Jordan, Morocco, Algeria, countries in the Western Balkans as well as EFTA countries;

·         member of the Civil Society Empowerment Programme (CSEP)  network registered in the database set up at the following link:

https://ec.europa.eu/eusurvey/runner/CSEPregistration. The CSEP network is developed to facilitate mutual learning, encourage synergies between projects where possible and increase transparency.


Applications must be submitted by a consortium between a civil society organisation and at least two other co-applicant.


Budget and duration

The total budget earmarked for the co-financing of projects is estimated at EUR 6.000.000.


The EU grant applied for must be between 250.000 EUR and 1.000.000 EUR.


The EU grant is limited to a maximum co-funding rate of 90% of the total eligible costs of the action.


The project duration should not exceed 24 months.


Deadline for proposals’ submission

The deadline for submitting applications is 11 January 2018, 17:00 Brussels time.


Applicants are requested to submit their applications to the participant’s portal: https://ec.europa.eu/research/participants/portal/desktop/en/opportunities/isfp/topics/isfp-2017-ag-csep.html.


Further information

Please find attached the call documents.


Contact the HOME-ISF@ec.europa.eu for further assistance related to content of the call and topics.


More information: https://ec.europa.eu/research/participants/portal/desktop/en/opportunities/isfp/topics/isfp-2017-ag-csep.html


Kind regards,



Flora Stavropoulou
Junior Officer

European Office of Cyprus

Rue du Luxembourg 3, 2nd floor

B-1000, Brussels

Tel/Fax: +32 (0) 2 280 22 85

E-mail: eoc.brussels2@ucy.ac.cy



PLEASE NOTE THAT THE GREEK TRANSLATION IS PROVIDED AT REQUEST OF ANY INTERESTED MEMBER (based on the decision of 22.12.2016 of the EOC Administrative Council).

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