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Call for Proposals: Erasmus + Key Action 2 “Sector Skills Alliances” - EAC/A05/2017

Call for proposals
, Key Action 2 “Sector Skills Alliances” - EAC/A05/2017


(2017/C 361/04)


Objectives and description 

The European Commission published its 2018 Call for Proposals for Erasmus+, the European Union's programme for mobility and cooperation in education, training, youth and sport. With its annual budget expected to increase by ?200 million, Erasmus+ will provide an unprecedented number of opportunities for individuals and organisations in Europe and beyond.


Sector Skills Alliances aim at tackling skills gaps with regard to one or more occupational profiles in a specific sector. They do so by identifying existing or emerging sector-specific labour market needs (demand side), and by enhancing the responsiveness of initial and continuing vocational education and training (VET) systems, at all levels, to the labour market needs (supply side). Drawing on evidence regarding skills needs, Sector Skills Alliances support the design and delivery of transnational vocational training content, as well as teaching and training methodologies for European professional core



Sector Skills Alliances for strategic sectoral cooperation on skills identify and develop concrete actions to match demand and supply of skills to support the overall sector-specific growth strategy. This should be achieved through actions aimed at the following objectives:

·         identification of existing and emerging skills needs for professions in specific sectors;

·         strengthening the exchange of knowledge and practice between education and training institutions and the labour market;

·         modernising VET by adapting provision to skills needs;

·         integrating work-based learning in VET provision, and exploiting its potential to drive economic development and innovation, increasing the competitiveness of the sectors concerned;

·         building mutual trust, facilitating cross-border certification and therefore easing professional mobility in a sector, and increasing recognition of qualifications at European level within a sector;

·         improving skills intelligence and providing a clear strategy and instruments to address skills shortages in specific economic sectors.


Sector Skills Alliances are transnational projects identifying or drawing on existing and emerging skills needs in a specific economic sector and/or translating these needs into vocational curricula to respond to those needs. A particular focus will be on digital skills as they are increasingly important on all job profiles across the entire labour market.


The call is divided in three lots:

1.     Lot 1: Sector Skills Alliances for skills needs identification will work at sectoral level in order to provide clear and detailed evidence of what the needs and gaps are. This would make it possible to address such gaps through training provision, whether it is VET-based (Lot 2) or other education and training.

2.     Lot 2: Sector Skills Alliances for design and delivery of VET will work to design and deliver common training content for vocational programmes for one or several related profession/s in a sector, as well as teaching and training methodologies. A particular focus is to be put on work-based learning, providing learners with the skills required by the labour market. Lot 2 - Sector Skills Alliances are required to apply EU wide instruments and tools such as the EQF, ECVET, EQAVET.

3.     Lot 3: Sector Skills Alliances for implementing a new strategic approach (Blueprint) to sectoral cooperation on skills: The Blueprint for Sectoral Cooperation on Skills is one of the ten actions in the New Skills Agenda for Europe. In the current call, the Blueprint will be implemented in six sectors that are experiencing severe skills shortages. Alliances under Lot 3 will support the implementation of the Blueprint by developing a sectoral skills strategy. This strategy has to lead to systemic and structural impact on reducing skills shortages, gaps and mismatches, as well as ensuring appropriate quality and levels of skills to support growth, innovation and competitiveness in the sector. The sectoral skills strategy must include a clear set of activities, milestones and well-defined outputs with the goal to match demand and supply of skills to support the overall sector specific growth strategy. The objectives of Lot 1 (forecasting skills demand) and Lot 2 (responding to identified skills needs through design and delivery of VET) have to be included in the sectoral skills strategy.


Eligible participants

Any public or private body active in the fields of education, training, youth and sport may apply for funding within the Erasmus+ Programme. In addition, groups of young people who are active in youth work, but not necessarily in the context of a youth organisation, may apply for funding for learning mobility of young people and youth workers as well as for strategic partnerships in the field of youth. The Erasmus+ Programme is open to the participation of the following countries:

·         the 28 Member States of the European Union,

·         the EFTA/EEA countries: Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway,

·         EU candidate countries: Turkey and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia.


More specifically, the following rules of participation apply per lot:

1.     Lot 1: Sector Skills Alliances for skills needs identification:
The Sector Skills Alliance must cover at least 12 Programme Countries and include at least 2 full partners, out of which at least 1 represents the industry and at least 1 represents education and training providers. All sectors except the six sectors that are eligible under Lot 3.

2.     Lot 2: Sector Skills Alliances for design and delivery of VET:
The Sector Skills Alliance must cover at least 4 Programme Countries and include at least 8 full partners, out of which at least 3 are companies, industry or sector representatives (e.g. chambers or trade associations), and at least 3 are education and training providers. All sectors except the six sectors that are eligible under Lot 3.

3.      Lot 3: Sector Skills Alliances for implementing a new strategic approach (Blueprint) to sectoral cooperation on skills:

The Sector Skills Alliance must cover at least 8 Programme Countries and include at least 12 full partners, out of which at least 5 are companies, industry or sector representatives (e.g. chambers, trade unions or trade associations), and at least 5 are education and training providers. The following sectors are eligible:

·         additive manufacturing;

·         construction;

·         maritime shipping;

·         peer based value chains;

·         renewables and green technology;

·         steel industry.


Please refer to the Erasmus+ Programme Guide for further details on the modalities of participation.


Funding conditions

Maximum EU contribution awarded for a Lot 1 - Sector Skills Alliance for skills needs identification (2 years): 330 000 EUR.

Maximum EU contribution awarded for a Lot 1 - Sector Skills Alliance for skills needs identification (3 years): 500 000 EUR.


Maximum EU contribution awarded for a Lot 2 – Sector Skills Alliance for design and delivery of VET (2 years): 700 000 EUR.

Maximum EU contribution awarded for a Lot 2 – Sector Skills Alliance for design and delivery of VET (3 years): 1 000 000 EUR.


Maximum EU contribution awarded for a Lot 3 – Sector Skills Alliance for implementing a new strategic approach (Blueprint) to sectoral cooperation on skills (4 years): 4 000 000 EUR.


Deadline of proposals' submission

The deadline for submitting proposals is 28 February 2018 at 12:00 (noon), Brussels time.


Applications must be submitted online using the Participants Portal.


Further information

Please find attached the call for proposals text. The Commission published the Erasmus+ Programme Guide (http://ec.europa.eu/programmes/erasmus-plus/resources/programme-guide) in all official EU languages. The Programme Guide is the key document that provides applicants with full details of all opportunities available in the 2018 Call for proposals for Erasmus+.


More information: https://eacea.ec.europa.eu/erasmus-plus/funding/sector-skills-alliances-2018-eaca052017_en


Kind regards,



Flora Stavropoulou
Junior Officer

European Office of Cyprus

Rue du Luxembourg 3, 2nd floor

B-1000, Brussels

Tel/Fax: +32 (0) 2 280 22 85

E-mail: eoc.brussels2@ucy.ac.cy



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