 Hospitality and tourism management 
International Conferences
Scientific Journals
Scientific Journals

The following International Referred Journals are published by the members of our Faculty:

   Journal of Tourism Research


Dr Laloumis Dimitris is the President of the Tourism Research Institute, that publishes the refereed scientific journal titled «Journal of Tourism Research». The science of tourism can be divided into two parts. The first part refers to the sciences of understanding the touristic phenomenon. The second part refers to the enterprenual and management sciences.

The aim of the journal is the spread of knowledge related to the scientific fields of tourism. In the Journal of Tourism Research there are published original articles and obligatorily new researches. The writing language is English. The scripts are evaluated by a scientific committee.  The committee is consisted of three members, who can demonstrate deep knowledge of the specific fields. To visit the journal's page click here +



  International Journal of Cultural and Digital Tourism (IJCDT)

 The journal is an open access, free,  refereed double blind peer-reviewed journal, aiming to promote and enhance tourism research  by bringing together a wide range of academics and industry practitioners from cultural, heritage, communication and innovational tourism backgrounds and interests.

The journal is published twice per year (in Spring and in Autumn) by the non- profit  International Association of Cultural and Digital Tourism (IACuDiT) and strives to attract and engage an international readership that is not only  academic , but  professional  as well.  Dr. Vicky Katsoni is the President of IACUDIT and the Editor- in- Chief of the Journal. To visit the journal's page click here +

 International Journal of Applied Sciences in Tourism

The International Journal of Applied Sciences in Tourism (J.A.S.T.) is an international, peer-reviewed journal which aims to bring its readers the very best analysis and discussion in the field of Tourism.

JAST is organised, managed and maintained by an international team of scientists, with different background. Being a not-for-profit/non-commercial project, it is freely accessible and users are able to search and access full text documents. Searching and archiving in JAST are totally free for any user. Researchers, librarians, information management specialists, archivists, students and any person involved in integrated informatio are invited to submit their own articles. To visit the journal's page click here + 

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